Lifestyle tips

Im obsessed

I understand. I gave up all control to my fiancé. It started out as just something different to do with him feeding me sometimes. As I gained a few pounds I started to realize and enjoy all the extra attention he gave me. I could see he was pleased the more weight I gained and it was such a turn on to me how much more he fondled my body. I became totally obsessed with wanting to become an extremely obese pig. I took it to an extreme and did have sone health issues. I am now gaining at a slow pace zinc it seems to be working wonderful now.
6 years

Im obsessed

Adamspet piggy:
I understand. I gave up all control to my fianc�. It started out as just something different to do with him feeding me sometimes. As I gained a few pounds I started to realize and enjoy all the extra attention he gave me. I could see he was pleased the more weight I gained and it was such a turn on to me how much more he fondled my body. I became totally obsessed with wanting to become an extremely obese pig. I took it to an extreme and did have sone health issues. I am now gaining at a slow pace zinc it seems to be working wonderful now.

After looking at your pictures, you are at a pretty good spot now. Gaining a little more will be nice too. The older you get, the more problems there are gaining.
6 years

Im obsessed

Actually the older you get the easier it is to gain... 32 and gained 15- 20 pounds in 2 months....
6 years

Im obsessed

I am beginning to believe that gaining is addictive
anyone else feels the same way
5 years

Im obsessed

It is an obsession for me. I think about eating and growing all the time.

It is not obsessive but it does grow on you it grew on me
5 years

Im obsessed

It is an obsession for me. I think about eating and growing all the time.

I do too lol and we are big already smiley

I do not know if it is an obsession but I was skinny when I started and gained almost 20 pounds I know I do not want to be skinny again
5 years

Im obsessed

In October when I joined I was 157 lbs. I started ( wanted) to gain to see what it was like to be chubby. I was never overweight before. I started to gain by not exercising, eating more calories, drinking heavy cream which does a tummy good also the holidays helped and becoming a foodaholic. I went from wearing slim fit jeans to relaxed fit because they are more comfortable on my legs and the part that bends over. I picked up four inches on my waist and I am 3 pounds away from my original goal of gaining 20 pounds. Now I find myself debating whether to stay at this weight or gain 10 to 20 pounds more I do find that gaining can be addictive. Strange I never think about going back down to my original size and be skinny again.
5 years

Im obsessed

It is an obsession for me. I think about eating and growing all the time.

Very comfortable with the size I become but I do feel I am not fat enough
5 years